One of my favorite aspects of partnering with Dr. Ben Johnson and his line of Osmosis skincare & supplement products are the Wellness Elixirs.
My body LOVES the Elixirs. Many of you know my struggles with a painful, messy menopause. Once I started using the Hormone Elixir, I was able to stop using supplemental hormones and have no pain and no bleeding. (I may need HRT in the future but am loving how my body feels right now).
In my personal life, I cocktail the Elixirs for ongoing support and to treat specific issues (if I say Hangover Elixir, you know what I mean, right 😉 ).
Earlier this month, Hub had the Emotional Well Being Elixir and said “is it weird that I feel drunk after that?” and I said “nah, that’s just your relaxed state … without the booze!”
I’d love to help you find the Elixir (or ElixirS) for you! Let’s chat on your next trip to be well {groomed!} or email anytime