Gorgeous Woman on a Mission
Heyyy, it’s Black History Month and we’re flowing into VDay so I want to introduce you to the Founder & CEO of Lumisque: creator of CO2Lift Pro & CO2LiftV.
Pssst: That’s my gal, Lucia, putting some chocolaty treats in my hair. Call her at (310) 490-1372.
The CO2Lift Pro for down there & I can’t recommend it enough!
CO2Lift Pro & LiftV for every woman! I am thrilled with the healing, hydrating & rejuvenating results of CO2Lift Pro on my lovely clients as part of their personalized treatment plan. And I can’t recommend enough the CO2LiftV (healing, hydrating & rejuvenating for the vulva/vaginal area).
How does it work? You perform the treatment at home (I use it overnight … it’s easy, no muss, no fuss). Once the gel is applied, carbon dioxide is formed and is infused into the vulva/vaginal tissue. This action then causes the blood to release oxygen in favor of the carbon dioxide. This blood is rich with oxygen as well as nutrition which will promote new blood vessels and remove waste from the tissue.
What are some of the results I and other women have experienced? Increase in natural lubrication, greater sensitivity, improvement in urinary incontinence, helped with painful sex, increased arousal, more orgasms, less irritation when wiping.
Ready to give your lady biz the treatment? Please don’t be shy: reply to this email and you’ll be ready for laissez les bons temp roulez!