Can we talk about masks yet without being triggered? I mean professional skincare masks! Well, since I wear a mask in the studio everyday, I guess it’s still not clear, so here ya go –> to treat my skin at home and yours in the studio, here is one of my favorite masks: Polish Cranberry Enzyme Mask, from Osmosis MD.
It’s not new; it’s not gimmicky. Polish DOES smell like everything great about fall AND it gives you fabulous results by harnessing the power of cranberry enzymes to gently remove damaged cells, giving you firm, smooth skin.
As part of your at-home skincare, you can use this mask weekly to give those enzymes a chance to gobble up the dulling, clogging dead surface skin & debris that makes your skin look rough and uneven.
Bonus: October is Hyperpigmentation Correction month and guess what —> The active yet gentle exfoliation Polish provides helps correct existing dark spots (and the antioxidant-rich mix prevents further damage/PIHP (that’s post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation)). I’ve included Polish in an easy-to-review group with other topicals & internals that help you say “out! damn spot!”
Pro-Tip: you can mix 1/2 pump of Polish in with your morning cleanser to give you an immediate, quick glow!