You *know* how important your regularly scheduled sugaring sesh is: keeps the follicles clear, bumps and ingrowns outta town, negates the need to shave, lessens both the amount and the texture of the hair AND it’s just easier on the pain barometer.
Sometimes you –and your skin– need that little bit of extra attention. Thus –> The Add-on Vajacial (following your sugaring), the Fab Vajacial and the Vajacial mask for at-home use.
Wanna make it Luxe? Add the Celluma Light Therapy while the Vajacial hydrogel mask works its magic!

Celluma Light Therapy devices are supported by extensive, conclusive research and are FDA-cleared to:
- Reduce signs of aging & regain your youthful glow
- Effectively treat acne (prevent the severity of the breakout and heal any wounds)
- Mitigate pain by decreasing inflammation and increasing circulation to nourish and repair tissue
- And, you don’t have to hold the device … you simply lie back and sail off to dream land!
Blue, Red and Near InfraRed in Celluma are evidence-based solutions to treat your skin from head to toe by giving the right amount of pulsing energy close enough to the skin and for the right amount of time to ensure availability & absorption while upregulating cellular activity for up to 48 hours.
Did I mention you’ll get the best sleep of your life after a Celluma treatment? Yes … and also during the treatment (we call it Napitation here at be well {groomed!}).
So grab your monthly sugaring appointment and make it luxe! While you’re at the studio, let’s get you set with at-home products to keep your skin glowing and smooth.