During Fab Facials and professional product purchases, I spend time with each client talking about how to maximize the impact of their treatment with homecare. You’re in the studio about 1.5 hours / month. You’re at home, like, a lot more than that. Ergo, homecare is where some of the magic should happen.
Now, *sometimes* you might be so zenned out after glorious skincare treats it’s hard to take in what your well-meaning esthie bestie is saying. So, putting together these printables for your handy reference.
Do you know someone who needs these tips & tricks? Sharing is caring so please send’em a link to the page or download and forward the handy bits to them.
Check back for the new & improved versions as time scoots along!
PS: I use a Mac, so here’s how I download stuff: Control + Click. On my iPhone and iPad, I hold down the picture. You can also do screen shots or have your phone take a picture 🙂
PPS: Looking to make an appointment and not sure how you got to this page? Click here and book!